My friend pulled up Google Maps when we got home.

" There was a triple homicide earlier this evening," she said. " It was a family annihilation, so no one has reported it to the police yet. You should go."

I leaned over her shoulder, looking at the address. She pulled up the Facebook page of a young man, and I saw her recalibrate her crystal lens, her eye darting back and forth erratically.

" The mauling is complete," she said. " The soul fabric is torn. The others look just as bad. You only have a twenty-eight percent chance of finding a ghost if you go now."

I recoiled in shock, still looking over her shoulder at this man's average Facebook page.

" Motherfucker, it's that bad?" I exclaimed in disbelief. I scrambled away from her, going to the hotel room closet to dig out what I needed.

" Hurry," she said. " Hurry. I need to cut the link before it knows that we know."
