As the night wore on, Marian and her friends grew more intoxicated. She didn't seem to have told any of them she'd lost her job; at the current moment, she was in the women's bathroom. Christel had pulled a hidden camera there that confirmed she was wedged in a stall with Liza, snorting a line of coke.
" Don't people in this era have anything better to do than drowning themselves in drugs?" he asked, bitingly rhetorical.
" This is the heyday of capitalism," Allen reminded him. " It's annoying, though. No wonder no one could tell exactly when she'd left. They're all smashed out of their minds."
" Stewart Cauling's getting a phone call," Christel said. " Shall I intercept it?"
" Yeah, yeah," Allen said quickly.
The evidence notification went off again.
" There's been a serious break-in at Hathcomb's," Christel said. " They want him to come in. He's arguing with them since he's drunk."
A pause.
" They want him to bring Marian," he said. " They think she's involved since she just got fired and hasn't turned in her key yet. He didn't know she'd been fired... He's hung up on them."
His eyes flicked to the bathroom, which Marian and Liza were exiting, laughing as they stumbled over each other.
" Stewart's approaching," Christel said.
" Let's go into cloaking now," Allen said, alert. " If they go somewhere else, we need to follow them."