Once again, Nova had trouble sleeping.

He was thinking about Thera again. He didn't really want to; but it had consumed him, as he lay in the dark.

He had to be mistaken about William.

The man being at such a high rank compared to his peers- even given that Nova was having trouble grasping the nuance of human age- was surely some sort of administrative fluke. And he was misinterpreting what the Commodore General had said earlier. Because that would've meant he was even younger during the battle at Thera...

There was absolutely no way that frustratingly incompetent, carefree, idiotic... A whole list of insults rattled off in his head as he tossed and turned, trying to force the subject from his mind so he could sleep.

There was no way that William Masterson, of all people, had been that captain that had seized the battlefield with such force-

William Masterson was a socially anxious, quivering wreck who constantly looked like he was three or four days behind on sleep, tripped over his own cloak every five steps, he was barely taller than a child and made of soft flesh that would probably bruise as easily as fruit and bones that would shatter as easily as glass, and Nova realized, in a flash of anger, that he had shredded one of his pillows into ribbons. He hadn't even realized his claws were out.

" Dammit!" he hissed, roughly throwing the stuffing off of his bed. " Goddammit..."
