The one that William hadn't seen before was there; rakish, wavy haired, apparently a bit older than the Lyena, but not as old as Nova. He took him to be the one named Lanta he had heard about in passing.

The door opened; a familiar face, though now with a stiff expression, as though steeling himself for something unpleasant.

Well, it certainly was to be unpleasant, given the look that Irdat had on her face. Fausta was not even present. His eye socket should've been as recovered as it would ever get.

" ... You're cuter with short hair, but you've gotten too tall for my taste," Vivan sniped, and took a long draught of wine.

He did not respond to him, or look his way.

" I'm here to formally announce myself as Lyena," he said. " And I will be dueling with Lyewa-Nova first once my health has recovered sufficiently, so please withhold your hostilities."

A loud, exaggerated huff from the one that William assumed was Lanta.

" At the moment, what I would like is for the mention of 'Lesa' to be destroyed from the records that we hold, and our memories," he continued. " I've decided to be called by Prima from now on. Please abide by this."

" Mother, are you actually going to permit this?" Lanta asked, turning to her with a harsh expression. She was also stonyfaced.

" There is no objection for me to have," she said. " Lyena can do as Lyena pleases."

It was very clear that this was distasteful to her as well.

" Well! I'll have to send that on back for Kirie to work on immediately," William said cheerfully.

Nova elbowed him.

Ah, right. That was something that hadn't come up. He had been doing his best to avoid mention of DASS while there, but... He had wanted to say something to cheer up Lyena, as well.

Prima smiled, as though hiding a faint sense of relief.

" Thank you, Wille."
