
Fitful dreams.


It was Prima's first time going to the cafeteria for breakfast alone.

That carried a certain edge with it.

Someone was waving at him, so he went over to them.

" Oh! Lyewa-Prima! I heard from the bulletin that you had succeeded! I saw your fight on the net!"

The girl that had given him the good luck charm. She was sitting with other Starka girls.

" I meant to thank you. I think it was only because I had everyone's support," he said with a smile, and drew it out of his shirt collar to show her. " I've had it with me since then."

Another girl clapped her hands together.

" I'm so grateful, Lyewa! I saved up all my merits from the weekly shooting trials..."

" Ah, me too!"

" I didn't buy any new clothes the entire time we were on Siluria!"

" Are you going to sit with us?"

Right, that girl. Her name was Lina.

" Of course I am," he said. " How could I not, after being invited over by such nice girls?"

They all seemed really happy about that.
