" You'll be departing soon, I've heard," Redlin said, settling next to him in the library.

" Yes," Nova said.

" You know... you don't have to stay with their fleet," Redlin said. " And you don't have to stay in the Imperial Storam. I left."

Nova bristled.

" I am not a coward," he said. " I will take responsibility for the position I've been given."

Redlin looked over at the book he had in hand; a collection of Moyar mythology.

" You shouldn't have to feel responsible for something you didn't want in the first place," Redlin said.

" Don't bother arguing with me," Nova cut him off shortly. " I've heard it all before. I will complete my tour. I will take William home with me. I will be Lorn. I will not accept any argument from anyone on this, much less you."
