Dawson's office was on the ninth floor. It was sparsely decorated and spacious; William immediately went forward to seat himself in front of the desk, while Nova hesitated for a moment, looking the place over.

" I trust there were no problems on your way back?" Dawson asked. " It's been a while since you were home."

" It was probably the most uneventful voyage we've had in a while," William said.

" Well, that's always a good thing," Dawson said.

" So what business have you called us to headquarters on?" William asked. " I assume it must be important for us to have to meet in person."

Dawson sighed, rubbing his temples.

" In order to commemorate the end of the Lyena's year-long diplomatic tour, Sector 27's administration wants to have a parade," he said. " They've partnered with the Storam Expatriate Agency here in order to set it up. It'll be at the end of the month."

William seemed to take a moment to think this over, then smiled.

" So we don't have much of a choice in the matter, do we?" he said. " But that's fine. It'll make a good platform to announce our further plans."

Nova wasn't sure if he should say anything.

He... didn't really want to leave. And they had essentially had their hand forced in the matter.

" The SEA wants to meet with the Lyena and Lyewa-Prima the day after tomorrow, and the parade organization committee also wants to consult with you," Dawson said. " I'll send the schedule over."
