Someone's purse was stolen in the lobby of the theatre.

" The police station is next door, so everyone is having to go there before they're let to leave," my friend said. My head was still hazy with the thought of seeing that beautiful woman again. Even the movie had not dulled it.

The police station was tall and glassy and erudite. The many costumed people from the theatre were all crammed into it.

" Wow, that officer's hot," my friend said.

It was the black haired man. He was tall and fit, wrapped in a blue uniform.

We were looked over, and found not to be in possession of the purse.

" That woman you were with earlier was beautiful," I said to him. " Is she your girlfriend?"

He laughed.

" Do you want to meet her?" he asked.

I was shocked at how easily he suggested it. I could see for myself, again, make sure her beauty wasn't a dream.

" Yes, if you don't mind," I said.

" Xiaolong!" he called. " There's someone here who wants to meet you!"

A door opened. An officer stepped out.

He was tall, and pretty, and thin, and blonde. He was straightening out his hair. He looked up.

He was the woman from the theatre.

" What is it?" he asked, coming over. " What's going on?"

The black haired officer gestured at us, at me.

" This guy wanted to meet you," he said, smiling. " He said your costume was great."

The blonde officer looked down on me.

He still looked like he was made with roses and mist and celluloid. His hair was long. The lipstick was scrubbed away, but he still had eyeshadow and blush on.

" You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen," I blurted out, unsteady, uncertain of why I felt compelled to tell him.

He looked taken aback for a moment, then assumed a cold expression. He did not speak.

" You really got him with that drag!" the black haired officer said, laughing.
