" Sivira, are you back with my coffee?"

The door slid open.

It was Nova.

" Oh," William said, still focusing on the screens in front of him. " I forgot to sleep last night, didn't I?"

" When was the last time you slept?" Nova asked as the door closed behind him. " You haven't been in my room for a few days..."

" I took a thirty minute power nap after dinner last night," William answered.

" And what did you have for dinner?" Nova asked.

" A protein shake," William answered. " I only drank about half of it, though. Rubian Creamfruit flavor didn't agree with my tastebuds. Too bitter."

Nova sighed deeply. He sat down on the desk corner.

" I can't take care of you," he said. " I can't even take care of myself. We've barely seen each other the past few days. I feel like I'm..."

" There'll be plenty of time for us to do couple things once our flight path to Sector 27 is charted and approved," William said. " As a matter of fact, I'm reviewing the final composition from the navigation department now..."

Nova waved his hand though the holoscreen.

" Fuck your flight plans," he said. " Just talk to me about something, anything, without being stuck in your head about your career."

William looked up at him, finally, and then rubbed his forehead.

" Sorry, I just. Need to work," he said. " I can't rely on anyone else to do this for me. I didn't mean... to neglect you. It's just difficult. I know you're suffering too. I'm sorry."

" It's fine, just... let me know that you need me," Nova said quietly. He reached out and caressed his face; William leaned into his touch.

" Why are you so warm," William complained out loud. " Why can't you be horrible and cold and cruel..."

" I can't help being this way," Nova said. " If I could change, wouldn't I have done so by now?"
